------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OITimeTool --- Time Measurement Tool for the Polish Olympiad in Informatics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Usage on Windows -- 1. Download the package and extract it somewhere, for example to C:\OITIMETOOL. https://github.com/accek/oitimetool-bin/zipball/master 2. Open Command Prompt (Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt). 3. Go to the folder with your compiled program. In the example below we use sample programs distributed with OITimeTool: > c: > cd \oitimetool\test-programs 4. Run C:\OITIMETOOL\OITIMETOOL.BAT with your program as the argument. You can also redirect input and output, as usual. > c:\oitimetool\oitimetool.bat primes-devcpp-gcc34-O2.exe When running for the first time, you will be asked to download the Pin library which is used internally by the OITimeTool, but its license does not allow us to redistribute it. -- Usage on Linux/Mac -- This is generally the same as on Windows, except that you use oitimetool/oitimetool instead of oitimetool/oitimetool.bat Example: $ unzip oitimetool.zip $ cd oitimetool/test-programs $ ../oitimetool ./primes-gcc44-static-O2 Mac version supports both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries. -- License -- OITimeTool by Polish Olympiad in Informatics is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.